INH Duplex’s -

As an Interior Designer for 15 years, I have worked with many a design and hundreds of floor layouts to create spaces that are great to live in.

Most of the Integrity New Homes floor plans and home designs are right on the money regarding this!

With several Duplex  designs “standard” in the range, Integrity New Homes gives you the choice of two mirrored apartments, or one single/one double storey with adjoining fire-wall option; We have many designs for various block sizes and shapes, & sloping sites – which makes them each uniquely their own style.

Who would have thought they could get a three bedroom, two bathroom (even an extra toilet – making it three toilets!) Award Winning designed Duplex, into an affordable price range!?

Integrity New Homes makes such a thing possible.

Check out our link here to see just a few of our designs.

The other super cool thing about building an Integrity New Homes design is that

  1. They have been designed by award winning designers
  2. They work!
  3. If you need them tweaked to suit your block or the councils requirements , or your lifestyle, we have in-house designers who can do it for you, quick and simple.

Jobs done!

In my next blog we will talk about styling Duplex’s… stay tuned.