Something that we have seen for many years in the big cities, we are now seeing more of on the Central Coast, Lake Maquarie and Newcastle regions. Town Houses, Duplexes and Dual Occupancy homes are becoming more popular just like many of our smaller cities all around Australia. With our ever-growing population, these kinds of homes are not only becoming the more affordable options but are also very practical. The decision to go down this path is often more calculated but there are great reasons to do so.
The first thought that comes to mind when thinking of building dual occupancy is the potential for a great investment. These options can maximise the potential of your land, at the same time have the potential to reduce the cost of insurance, council rates, holding fees and other related costs for building. The income can, in the best cases have your property paid off sooner and help develop a fuller property portfolio. For an investor, the opportunity to achieve higher returns at a lesser cost is a no-brainer.
For many people who want to own a home to live in but want to get into investment properties, the option to build a dual occupancy home can be very appealing and is a good gateway into the property game. By the time your build is complete, you instantly have two homes. The biggest benefit being the financial strain of a mortgage repayment can be lessened with the rental income. Other great benefits are being able to keep a close eye on your investment which can be reassuring for many first timers. In some instances, there can be ways to save a little by doing ground maintenance yourself and even claiming portions of maintenance costs for communal areas.
Livingston 270 (Click here to view further information on this design)
Another major factor that motivates dual occupancy homes is family planning. You may have children that will soon be starting their own new families and are needing a place to live close to the support of parents. There are massive benefits for young families to have these networks providing help with care of children, pets or property so easily available as right next door. Your decision v build a Town house or Duplex then becomes an investment that is the root of providing financial benefit to other family members for their future. On the other end of the spectrum, we also have our elderly that will need the support of family nearby to assist with daily duties where help is needed. In these cases, you can see how your decision to invest in a dual occupancy kind of home will bring better opportunities to those people closest to you.
Integrity New Homes have developed several homes that showcase the most innovative designs created to optimise space and practicality when coming to Town Houses, Duplexes and Dual occupancy homes. All our homes can be customised and be made to suit the land and your needs. Click Here to have a look at some of out designs.
If you have a parcel of land or have your eye on one that entices you but would like to know more about opportunities and options to suit, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.