With 2020 brings the Low Rise Housing Diversity Code and the North Connex Tunnel
As some of us may already be aware, the NSW Government has implemented the new Low Rise Housing Diversity Code which commenced on 1st July of this year. The Code allows well designed dual occupancies, manor houses and up to two storey terraces to be carried out under a fast track complying development approval. A complying development approval can be issued within 20 days if the proposal complies with all the relevant requirements in the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 (Codes SEPP).
Though some locals may believe there is a risk that our small towns will not be able to handle the growth, the truth is, it may be inevitable. With the opening of the North Connex Tunnel occurring within the next few months, the Central Coast will immediately become a more accessible location. As the project moves forward to boost the state and national economies by providing more reliable journeys and shorter travel times for the movement of freight, the Central Coast will be one region that will greatly benefit. Due to the improved accessibility, the Central Coast will more so be seen as a very appealing area for business growth and development. In turn, the need for housing will eventually increase with the growth of local businesses and employment opportunities.
It is not only the potential for business growth, but the evolving demographic and the changing trends of spending that are going to play a big influence on the demand for more affordable housing. With the affordability of living plus the lifestyle benefits of this region, we are likely to see an increase of Sydney-siders wanting to make the move up north considering their commute to Sydney will be made easier, plus the cost of their home potentially lower. The North Connex will allow motorists to bypass 21 sets of traffic lights along Pennant Hills Road towards the M2 and, as an alternative route to the CBD from the north avoiding up to 40 traffic lights on the Pacific Highway. It will also allow motorists to drive from Newcastle to Melbourne without a single set of traffic lights.
For the Central Coast, the new Low Rise Housing Diversity Code could not have come at a better time. The Code provides for housing types that are an alternative to traditional freestanding houses and apartments. It increases the diversity of housing available giving people choice and catering for changing demographics. Dual occupancies, manor houses and terraces built as complying development are only allowed in R1, R2, R3 and RU5 zones where this type of housing is already permitted under a council's Local Environmental Plan (LEP). As you can see below, there are several locations around the Central Coast that are open for these types of development opportunities.
For investors and new home owners alike, the Code promoting faster housing approvals can help with the saving of time and money. The options and opportunities available to build these kinds of homes on the Central Coast are quite vast with numerous appealing locations. Integrity New Homes have developed several homes that showcase the most innovative designs created to optimise space and practicality when it comes to Town Houses, Duplexes and Dual occupancy homes.
Contact us to learn more about building your new home or investment properties on the Central Coast.