Brendan Teeney of Sunshine Coast custom design builder, Integrity New Homes Sunshine Coast, is currently finalising contracts for several steep site homes at Buderim and Nambour.
He has developed a strong client base with people looking for custom designed homes and solutions for steep and challenging sites.
Integrity New Homes Sunshine Coast will not only create custom designs and make changes to its more than 1,500 existing plans, but the company will also build from owner supplied drawings.
Work has already finished on a one-off designed two storey home at Bli Bli’s popular Parklakes II development.
Parklakes II has been an extremely successful estate with work well advanced on the Good Samaritan Catholic College opening 2019 with enrolments from prep to year 12.
For more information please call Brendan Teeney on ph: 0448 048 573.