As you may or may not know, we are always on the lookout to offer our clients a point of difference.
For all those looking to build, don’t forget the driveway. We all know that first impressions are everything. Dull grey concrete is boring, so consider that the look and style of the exterior of your home, including the driveway stands out from everyone else in your area.
Your options with new concrete are endless as you are starting from a clean slate. If you have an existing concrete space that needs uplifting, then look at resurfacing options. There are even products for internal flooring.
Parchems, our supplier, are Australia's leading manufacture of innovative decorative concrete products.
Check out their website at www.parchem.com.au for further information on all the benefits of these products to add value and style to your home.
Call for a brochure and to speak with Anne McDonald on 0402856159 about the decorative concrete range that would suit any new and or existing concrete surfaces as well as products available for internal flooring, whether it be the garage, kitchen or activity room.